Accept no Imitations

You see ads claiming to be "the original" product, you have never tried it before and don't know how to tell the difference? allow us to give you some advice.

Look for a distribuitor near you, if possible, the first time meet the person so you can check the product yourself.

Take a close look to it against the light, it should have a circular hologram with the logo of the lab, you can see a bigger version of this logo on the right side of the box; still against the light you will also notice the words "Reumofan Plus" repeated over and over everywhere in the box as you can see on the left side of this picture, this cannot be seen if there is not enough light.

Autorized Distributor by Laboratorios Riger Natural S.A.

Accept no Imitations

Official Price:
$297.oo mexican pesos

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