
We apologize for the inconvenience but we do not mail the product since we are located in what is considered a border town and the taxes to do so are so high that it wouldn't allow us to offer you a good price, this is an information and contact site for people living in Ensenada, Baja California or close to it and willing to visit us to pick up the product.

If you live far away from us but in our beautiful country, we suggest you look for a distribuitor in your city, if you have no luck we can just advice caution with internet transactions, unfortunately we cannot recommend another distribuitor since we work independently and the lab does not share contact information.

If you live in U.S.A. please take in mind that this kind of products are not allowed in your country via mail, if you live close by the mexican border you might want to look for a distribuitor in that area and buy it in Mexico, rest assured you will not get in trouble because of it on your way back home since they are for personal use.

Autorized Distributor by Laboratorios Riger Natural S.A.

Accept no Imitations

Official Price:
$297.oo mexican pesos

Ask for our discounts.